Whiten Your Teeth at Home With These Kitchen Ingredients

Whiten Your Teeth at Home With These Kitchen Ingredients

Keep those pearly whites shining!

There are plenty of products to choose from when it comes to whitening your teeth. However, most whitening products use chemicals to bleach your teeth, which concerns many people. If you want whiter teeth, but also want to avoid the chemicals, then this article lists many options that are both natural and safe. Check them out:

1) Coconut Oil Coconut oil is a popular choice for oil pulling because it has a pleasant taste and offers many additional health benefits. The practice involves swishing oil around in your mouth to remove bacteria, which can turn into plaque and cause your teeth to look yellow. Unlike many other tooth whitening methods, coconut oil pulling does not expose your teeth to acid or other ingredients that erode the enamel. This means it is safe to do daily. 

2) Baking Soda For many years, people have been using baking soda as a cleaning substance for teeth. It is slightly abrasive so it pries and files nasty stuff from the surface of enamel. All you need to do is take (only) one tablespoon of baking soda. Add a pinch of salt. Then, dampen a toothbrush and dip it into the mixture. Clean your teeth as you usually would and rinse thoroughly. 

3) Apple Cider Vinegar ACV effectively works as a natural antibiotic and teeth/gum cleanser. It helps remove stubborn stains on the teeth. ACV is especially helpful for removing stains due to common culprits like coffee and nicotine (smoking). Some report that after using ACV it looks like you just got your teeth professionally cleaned! 

4) Strawberries Strawberries not only taste good but clean your pearly whites too. Strawberries are high in Vitamin C, which can help break-down plaque that is causing your teeth to look yellow. It also has an enzyme called malic acid, which may help to remove surface stains. 

5) Activated charcoal Activated charcoal is one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to naturally whiten your teeth. Crush up one charcoal tablet into a powder. Dip your clean wet toothbrush into it, and brush your teeth as you normally do.